Our mission is Simple.  It is to shine Christ's light into the world.  You can bring light into Every Situation and Season.  Just simple acts of kindness or saying "God Bless You" to the Cashier at the Store will bring light into a person's life. 

With so many trick-or-treaters coming to your door for candy on Halloween, why not do something special and shed the light of Jesus in their life.  Maybe put a cross in their basket Or candy with scriptures written on the outside of it.  Be Creative and ask God to guide you.  Maybe write and mention this website TheLightInHalloween.com so they can read more on Christ and hopefully it can touch and change a Child's life or their Parents. 

Even if 1 person turns their life around and accepts Christ as their Savior, It was all worth it :)  


His message is Simple, even a Child can understand it.  Being Saved is not complicated. 

You need to Accept that you are a Sinner and Repent of your sins. 

Accept and Believe that Jesus died for your sins on the cross, and that He broke the chains of  spiritual death so that we may be with Him for Eternity.  

Jesus rose again on the 3rd day, and assended into Heaven to be with His/Our Heavenly Father. 

You want to confess that you do not want to live this life on your own, that you want Jesus to come into your heart, to live for Him, and turn away from willful Sin. 

It's that Simple!  

If you would like to contact us for any questions or comments or would like to talk more in depth for a deeper understanding, we would love to help you on your journey.

If you would like to read more about who we are,  please visit ChristForAllPeople.com as well :)

To Contact us, Please send us an email at the link below:

Thomas Russell


With Love,
Thomas and Suzy Russell

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